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Busy Week

Well, would you look at that. It's just over a year since I launched this little enterprise. It's certainly been a mixed bag of a year hasn't it? That pesky pandemic put a crimp in a lot of plans.

It's been quite quiet on the proofreading front of late, my focus has actually been on launching a new e-commerce site ( selling my mother's amazing black and white photography. So it was a bit of a surprise (albeit a very nice one) to get booked for not one, not two, but THREE proofreading jobs this week.

A very varied range of content too. From a very wholesome all-ages comic anthology to perhaps the absolute antithesis of that (#3 of Atomic Hercules if you were wondering), with a detour through a rather intriguing project about 80s movies on VHS. One of those was a repeat customer, and another has opened the door to more work in the future.

All of this is great news, and means I will be updating things here on the site a bit. I'm looking into getting some new graphics designed, so keep your eyes peeled for that. There should be some more testimonials coming too. I'm also going to set up a page showing my rates for proofreading services to make things a little more transparent. In the meantime if you need my services you can either email or reach out to me via twitter to discuss your needs.

If you don't have any work for me you can help keep the lights on (if you want) by buying me a "coffee" here.

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