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Ringing the changes

Hey there, and welcome.

While things are still shaking down, and I'm trying to find the right direction for Comic Scout, I also need to make some money. With that in mind I have set myself up on as a proofreader for comics.

In my time reviewing indie comics I have seen that errors slip through to the final product sometimes. I also know that the indie comics scene isn't exactly awash with money to be able to afford the services of a professional editor. Hopefully that's where I can come in.

If you have a comic that's getting ready to go to print and you want someone to take a final look at it, purely from a spelling/grammar standpoint, to ensure no errors creep through to the finished product then look no further.

Well, a little bit further. Just click the link at the bottom of this post to be taken to my fiverr page where you can see my pricing etc and place an order.

Hopefully I'll be in touch with some of you soon.

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